Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Buenos Dias!

Good Day!

About Me.

Ī was born in North Carolīna in the 1970's. Ī am an African- American woman living with a mental illness. My first Schizophrenic episode occurred in the Fall of 1999. Since my illness, Ī have been a student, a homeless person, and a language teacher.

Why Ī Started This Blog.

Ī have lived with Schizophrenia for over ten years. My relationship with the illness has changed; Ī went from telling people what “my voices” said, to hearing my voice, and seeking or trying to offer better guīdence. As my understanding of the illness evolves, my self-reflective documentation offers a type of insight. Sometīmes the voices Ī hear in my head generate īdeas that Ī fīnd interesting, or frīghtning. Since Ī was an active wrīter onlīne, Ī wanted to follow my īdeas or personal reflections in a blog. Sometīmes Ī hope my blogs are useful, and helpful; Ī also want to experiment with blogging and wrīting blogs as a type of edited journal. Ī hope literate people will read my blog and other blogs about mental health. [ Ī will also ri-spell words that annoy me, as Ī move towards better 'fonetics' ]

What Ī Hope To Accomplish.

This blog is not just for me. Ī hope it connects people suffering from Schizophrenia. Ī envision a community, where we can support and share our experiences. A positive group, that supports each member, as we deal with delusions, and the difficult task of being accepted.

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