Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why Read Blogs?

Why Do Women read Blogs?

Gilad, a notable fitness instructor, of excellent health, advises the viewer of his DVDs to exercise at a comfortable level, and make realistic goals, which are like steps. Step by step, the person seeking better health can realize their goals.

There are many aspects I like about Gilad's Fitness DVDs. One aspect I like is his advice.
Maybe I like Gilad's advice because it sounded like advice I myself have told myself, after experiencing pains around my knees while actively exercising. I told myself...No Pain...Better Health; and made my own 'body-safety-awareness' a part of my health goals.

If people work 'towards limitation' they will one-step-at-a-time, gain better health.

I believe that if I set realistic goals, and work step-by-step towards my goals, then I will reach my goals; and when I do, my accomplishment will feel like looking down from the mountaintop.

[Q: On top of the mountaintop, would you rest or look for another mountain to climb?]

From my perspective, I would like to support people whom I agree with. Gilad voiced discoveries I also noticed...we discover our limitations and respect them.

I also like the advice given by Dr. Zinn, although I don't always agree with him.

I realized today [4/13] that many people read each others writings because they are looking for solutions.

People read, and not just for entertainment. Some people write to be helpful, inspirational, or informative.

Why Do People Read Blogs?

I connected the idea of people reading other people's blog and writings and seeking solutions, back to my own blog (Blogging with Voices). In my blog, I write about managing stress, anger, and anxieties (or paranoias), especially after hearing negativity and lies from invisible voices, or when hearing negative comments while trying to stay centered while performing normal activities.

This blog is about Schizophrenia, and my blog seems to have turned into my reflections about people and life while hearing invisible voices.

In the beginning, I dreamt of my blog being about recovery, and the path back to better health. I want to communicate with sincere people, suffering from mental illnesses, who are interested in sharing positive and practical advice.

I want to use as a medium to create a blogging community that is active in dealing with mental illnesses, and does positively support each other.

Blogging is not a cure for any mental illness.
I find reading less-intrusive, non-threatening advice helpful...a lot like hearing a silent therapist.

I think Oprah should write on Blogger.

In a previous off-topic-blog, I wrote about Jerry Springer, the TV host of a popular talk-show.

In that blog, I asked myself...'what do TV viewers 'get' (receive) from watching Jerry Springer'?

Later, I answered this question...

Why Do People Go On Jerry Springer?

My Answer (from my perspective):

1. Jerry is cheaper than therapy.

2. On Jerry's show, the person can walk away without a police record.

Airing-out one's dirty laundry on national T.V maybe a way to tell the truth publicly. If a person is very angry, after the audience hears the angry person's complaint, and the audience chants 'kick his butt'... then, the angry person feels like he is given the 'green light'...and feels free to defend his honor. Security stops fights before they become dangerous.

Whether the complainer loses or wins the fight, that person (usually male) can walk away from the show knowing

1. He has told the public (to the world).

2. He can return to work knowing he defended his honor and left with no police records.

I think that African-American men have similar, yet, different reasons for going on Jerry. I don't believe the reasons are centered around 'honor,' rather from 'calling someone out' and acknowledging another person's 'dirty deed.'

Why did Women go on Jerry Springer?

Since I was thinking about people, I wondered...why did women go on the Jerry Springer show?

I be honest, I don't know why.

As a person with a T.V, I watched women on Jerry's show yell and fight with other women who had angered them. Yet, with the popularity of T.V talk shows like The Oprah Winfrey show, which helped popularize talk therapy, Riki Lake, whose host gave young people and teenagers practicle, good advice; and Dr. Phil, a excellent marriage counselor, who acts like the voice of authority to many young people growing up...I could not understand why women chose to fight each other on Jerry Springer. I also noticed how the females in the audience volunteered to flash their 'ta-tahs' at the camera, and slide around a silver, metal pole in frount of Steve Wilko.

The female behavior was puzzling then, and if Jerry is still broadcasting on T.V, maybe puzzling today.

I believe I have a solution:

1. Oprah may choose to write a blog on blogger, or join a blogging community.
Women tend to like reading other peoples writings, opinions and reading about their experiences.

2. A writing / blogging community offering helpful advice may also be, like Jerry...

A. Cheaper than therapy, and...

B. A medium to tell the truth through. Telling the truth about ones personal problems in life can make a person feel like they actively did something about their problems...that didn't leave a police record.

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